Sewer Laterals

Sewer Lateral Compliance

Effective August 11, 2008, Rodeo Sanitary District adopted Ordinance No. 08-101, Requiring Testing, Inspection, Repair and Replacement of Building Sewers and Sewer Laterals. Sewer lateral Compliance.

Property owners are required to obtain a Certificate of Compliance for their sewer laterals upon transfer of title (sale of property). The buyer and seller will negotiate who will obtain the Compliance Certificate. If repairs are needed, you may request an extension up to six months for obtaining a Certificate of Compliance. To apply for an extension a request letter must be sent to the District Manager and signed by the buyer and the real estate agent.

For details on specific policies and guidelines, or for records and information on your property’s current compliance status, please contact the District at (510) 799-2970.

Sewer Lateral Grant Program

The Building Sewer Replacement Grant Program (“BSRGP”) is offered to eligible owners of property located within the boundaries of the Rodeo Sanitary District (“RSD”) to help defray up to $1,500 of the cost of completely replacing qualified defective building sewers or sewer laterals. Grants will be made on a first come, first served basis until the allocated funds for the year are dispersed.

To apply a home must have a Certificate of Compliance on record. Submit a completed Grant Application and a copy of a paid in full invoice or receipt from the contractor who replaced the defective building sewer or defective sewer lateral to the District.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if sewage is backing up into my house?

For a sewer emergency 24/7, call (510) 799-2970 (Option #9)

If you are reporting a sewer backup or overflow incident, please notify the District’s Offices, 24 hours a day, at (510) 799-2970. District’s On-Call staff will respond to the reported sanitary sewer incident in about one hour. Please follow phone message prompts for sewer emergencies.

When a District Representative speaks to you please have the following information ready to expedite the response: Name, Address, Phone Number, Address or location of the overflow and all conditions you are experiencing.

If you are experiencing a backup into your home please remain calm, remove all persons and pets from the area. If sewage has overflowed inside the home shutoff all heating and air conditioning (HVAC) units. Do not attempt to remove any affected items from the area.

If Rodeo Sanitary District is found to be responsible for the incident, we are committed to cleaning and restoring your property, and to protecting the health of those affected during the remediation process.

What should I do if I see an overflowing manhole or flowing water where there was none before?

Contact Rodeo Sanitary District at (510) 799-2970. We will investigate the situation and determine if it is a sewer related matter.

Who is responsible for breaks or stoppages in my sewer lateral?

The property owner is responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of the entire sewer lateral from the building plumbing to and including the connection at the Rodeo Sanitary District’s main sewer line. This includes both the sewer lateral on private property and the lateral located beneath the sidewalk and street.

Where can I find a qualified plumber/contractor?

The following link is a list of plumbing contractors in the area. Rodeo Sanitary recommends that you get a price quote from at least three different licensed plumbers.

I’m repairing/replacing the sewer on my property.  Why do I need to obtain a sewer permit?

Rodeo Sanitary District has permit authority and inspection jurisdiction for building sewer repairs within our service area. While the sanitary sewer is the property owner’s responsibility, any repair or replacement must comply with Rodeo Sanitary’s Specifications. This is to ensure that Rodeo Sanitary District’s sanitary sewer system integrity is not breached or compromised. Poorly constructed sanitary sewers may cause sewer backups and overflows that cause property damage and pose a health risk.

What pipe material can I use to replace my broken sewer lateral?

The following pipe materials may be used to replace your old lateral:

  • PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) SDR 26 or C900
  • ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene)
  • Cast Iron
  • Ductile Iron or HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) for pipe bursting
Do I need a Backflow Prevention Device (BPD)?

The Rodeo Sanitary District requires a sewer BPD to be installed in every home or property.

What is a Certificate of Compliance?

Obtain a Certificate of Compliance before transferring title by repairing the private sewer lateral, if necessary. Upon completion of installation of new building sewers or sewer laterals, the plumbing contractor schedules a closed circuit TV inspection with the District. The Closed Circuit TV inspection is observed by RSD personnel, and the property owner shall provide an electronic copy of the video inspection to RSD. If the Closed Circuit TV Inspection does not reveal obvious leaks or defects, a Certificate of Compliance is issued.

If you are selling a property, provide a copy of the Certificate of Compliance to the buyer before the title transfer. If you are buying a property, retain a copy of the Certificate of Compliance for your records.

The Certificate of Compliance is valid for ten years as of date of issue.

How do I Schedule an Inspection?

The District requires twenty-four hours’ notice for inspection. On the day of the inspection please call within one hour of needed inspection.

How do I apply for a Sewer Lateral Grant?

The Building Sewer Replacement Grant Program is offered to eligible owners of property located within the boundaries of the Rodeo Sanitary District to help defray up to $1,500 of the cost of completely replacing qualified defective building sewers or sewer laterals. Grants will be made on a first come, first served basis until the allocated funds for the year are dispersed.

To apply a home must have a Certificate of Compliance on record. Submit a completed Grant Application and a copy of a paid in full invoice or receipt from the contractor who replaced the defective building sewer or defective sewer lateral to the District.
